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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

Is it good or bad the AI?

Artificial Intellingence When we hear about artificial intelligence, the first thing we come to think of are all the  futuristic films that talked about this subject as terminator, star wars, Ai (Artificial Intelligence), where most of them come to show a chaotic future with robots or Androids extinguishing humanity, but these alfinal are only part of a fictional world. Artificial intelligence is the scientific field of computing that focuses on creating programs and mechanisms that can display behaviors considered intelligent. In other words, AI is the concept according to which "machines think like human beings" and there have already been robots that have already experienced AI like Sophia , who surprisingly was designed in 2015 and considered the first advanced andriode created by David Hanson, its design is inspired by actress Audrey Hepburn, and programmed from a computer called ELIZA, and its software allows eye contact with people who come into contact and c...

Technology Adicction

Techcnology Adicction? Also called "technophilia" is when the people starts to depends to all their technological devices, and it is the extreme excessive of all of them and becomes to an obsession, it can affect to all the kind of people. To find out if a person suffers from Tecnophilia The family and social isolation of the subject for using technology. The discomfort of being away from technology and your emotional reaction to being without it. The emotional reaction (especially depressive, tantrum, frustration or a feeling of "not belonging") for not being able to acquire the technology. The time of use of technology. The use of technology secretly. be very careful with the use of technology!

Mobile Adiction

What is the Mobile Addiction? As the videogame adiction, is the excessive use of the phone or mobile, it also has the name of "No phone phobia" You can see this adiction in the teenager, but there are some adults that have this phobia to plus that they have more responsabilities and they can have more negative effects like: Be aware of the cell phone first thing Spend more than 2 hours glued to the cell phone Anxiety when the cell phone is not in sight Losing track of time anger the suggestions, depends of the age of people, and some of them are: no more than one hour, if you are a kid, it´d rather to not use the mobile  A ssist with a psychologist have more outdoor activities implement reading

Video Game Adiction

What is the Video Game Adiction? It is when you depend to the video games, or the excessive use of them, and you can start to harm the personal life, it is more frequently in the kids of 6 years old to 18 years, and are more to the violent games. some of the syntoms are: anger dependency to console lost track of time lose your relationships damage to health For your good, you should: play no more than two hours a day, preferably not followed assist with a psychologist have more outdoor activities implement reading

How to use a Blog?

How to use a Blog? Chose the topic that you want to talk Get your blog online or Register in a website Costumize your blog, or create a style for your blog Search information about the topic that you chose write with your own word about the topic that you want to share Publish your informatiom Monetize your blog And Voila! you have an blog, this is the way that we did this blog :)

What is a Blog?

What is a Blog? It is a website, it is like online journal, where you can talk about a specific topic, it can be academic topic, environment topic, news, films, video games, and others. you dont need to be an expert in the informatic way, but it is importan to know your theme for to have not to copy information from other people. you can also post news, comics, videos review, and a lot of thing :)